- Finance
- Assurance
Autres responsabilités et activités
- Vice-Président Finances - Grenoble INP, Grenoble IAE (depuis 2024)
- Co-Responsable du programme thématique Risk, Graduate School GS@UGA, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (depuis 2021)
- Membre du Conseil d'Ecole de Grenoble IAE, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (depuis 2021)
- Membre du Conseil de l'Ecole Doctorale en Sciences de Gestion de Grenoble, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (depuis 2021)
- Membre du Codir de Grenoble IAE, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (depuis 2014)
- Membre du laboratoire CERAG, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (depuis 2013)
- Responsable du Département, Audit, Comptabilité, Contrôle et Finance, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (2016-2024)
- Responsable du Master 1 Finance, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (2015-2016)
- Directeur du Master Finance Finance, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (2014-2016)
- Responsable du Master 2 Finance d'entreprise et des marchés Finance, Grenoble IAE Graduate School of Management (2013-2014)
- Finance
- Assurance
- Gestion des risques
- Catastrophes naturelles
- Agriculture
- Environnement
Activités / CV
- Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, Université de Montpellier (2008)
- Master 2 Economie et gestion du développement agricole, agro-alimentaire et rural, Université de Montpellier (2005)
- Magistère Ingénieur-Economiste, Université Aix-Marseille 2 (2004)
- Master 2 Economie mathématique et économétrie, Université Aix-Marseille 2 (2004)
Informations complémentaires
Article dans des revues à comité de lecture
- YU, H., BURLACU, R. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2024). Green Bond Issuances: A Promising Signal or a Deceptive Opportunity? Business and Society, online(0), pp. 1-38.
- BOUSEBATA, M., ENJOLRAS, G. et GIRARD, S. (2023). Extreme Partial Least-Squares. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 194(105101).
- TARILLON, C., YU, H., ADLA, L., MANTHÉ, E. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2023). Similarity is not everything: the influence of personal characteristics of entrepreneurs and investors on their fit. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 19(2), pp. 709–732.
- AL AYOUBI, K. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2022). Does disinvestment from fossil fuels reduce the financial performance of responsible Sovereign Wealth Funds? Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 64(200731).
- AUBERT, M., PARROT, L., FERNANDES, P., ROUX, E., DEVIN, J.P., ENJOLRAS, G. et JEAN-BAPTISTE, I. (2022). When formal and informal networks promote agroecology: A case study of Martinique Island. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 18(3), pp. 258-276.
- JEANNEAUX, P., DESJEUX, Y., ENJOLRAS, G. et LATRUFFE, L. (2022). Farm valuation: A comparison of methods for French farms. Agribusiness, 38(4), pp. 786-809.
- TARILLON, C. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2022). Les enjeux de la notation des start-up en phase d’amorçage. Revue Internationale PME, 35(1), pp. 77-101.
- ALFIERI, E., BURLACU, R. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2021). La Blockchain, un outil innovant au service du financement d'entreprise. Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 2021(143), pp. 115-141.
- AUBERT, M. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2021). Intensive and extensive impacts of EU subsidies on pesticide expenditures at the farm level. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, 11(2), pp. 218-234.
- AUBERT, M., BOUHSINA, Z. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2021). How does the choice of a marketing channel influence the adoption of organic farming? An analysis of the French fruit production. Systèmes Alimentaires / Food Systems (anc. E&S, Systèmes Agroalimentaires), 6, pp. 167-194.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AL AYOUBI, K. (2021). How Norway’s sovereign wealth fund negative screening affects firms’ value and behaviour. Business Ethics: A European Review, 30(1), pp. 19-37.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2021). The dynamics of direct selling for wine-growing farms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 44(2), pp. 155-176.
- ENJOLRAS, G., SANFILIPPO, G. et SOLIWODA, M. (2021). What determines the capital structure of farms? Empirical evidence from Poland. Baltic Journal of Economics, 21(2), pp. 113-133.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2020). How does crop insurance influence pesticide use? Evidence from French farms? Revue d'Étude en Agriculture et Environnement / Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 101(4), pp. 461-485.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et MADIÈS, P. (2020). The role of bank analysts and scores in the prediction of financial distress: Evidence from French farms. Economics Bulletin, 40(4), pp. 2978-2993.
- ENJOLRAS, G., MÖHRING, N., DALHAUS, T. et FINGER, R. (2020). Crop insurance and pesticide use in European agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 184(2020), pp. 102902.
- ALFIERI, E., BURLACU, R. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2019). On the nature and financial performance of Bitcoin. Journal of Risk Finance, 20(2), pp. 114-137.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et MADIES, P. (2019). The determinants of loan acceptance: a case study of French farms. Economics Bulletin, 39(1), pp. 358-371.
- SANFILIPPO, G. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2019). La structure du capital des exploitations agricoles françaises. Economie Rurale, 2019(369), pp. 5-20.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2018). Short food supply chains and the issue of sustainability: A case study of French fruit producers. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 46(2), pp. 194-209.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2017). French labour-force participation in organic farming. Human System Management, 36(2), pp. 163-172.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2017). Which incentives for retail selling? An analysis of French farms. Systèmes Alimentaires / Food Systems (anc. E&S, Systèmes Agroalimentaires), 2, pp. 115-141.
- CHEILLAN, H., ENJOLRAS, G. et GUIEU, G. (2016). Performance des stratégies BoP orientées "produit". Une analyse par la méthode de sondage de cas. Management International, 20, pp. 143-161.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2016). Analyse financière des exploitations fruitières et maraîchères qui vendent au détail. Economie Rurale, 356, pp. 99-113.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2016). Do short food supply chains go hand in hand with environment-friendly practices? An analysis of French farms. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 12(2), pp. 189-213.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et SANTERAMO, F. (2016). Un nuovo strumento di gestione dei rischi nel settore agricolo francese: l'assicurazione di base delle colture. Agriregionieuropa, 47.
- PONTRANDOLFI, A., ENJOLRAS, G. et CAPITANIO, F. (2016). Analysis of factors used by farmers to manage risk: A case study on Italian farms. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 10(8), pp. 2465-2473.
- BAKKOUR, D., ENJOLRAS, G., THOURET, J., KAST, R., MEI, E. et PRIHATMININGTYAS, B. (2015). The adaptive governance of natural disaster systems: Insights from the 2010 Mount Merapi eruption in Indonesia. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13, pp. 167-188.
- ENJOLRAS, G., GATUMEL, M., MADIES, P. et TARAMASCO, O. (2015). La couverture des catastrophes naturelles et nucléaires : une source d'inspiration pour l'assurance des dépôts bancaires. Revue d'Economie Financière, 4(120), pp. 217-237.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2014). Between the approved dose and the dose actually applied: A diagnosis of pesticide overdosing in French vineyards. Revue d'Étude en Agriculture et Environnement / Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 95(3), pp. 327-350.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2014). The determinants of chemical input use in agriculture: A dynamic analysis of the wine grape-growing sector in France. Journal of Wine Economics, 9(1), pp. 75-99.
- ENJOLRAS, G., CAPITANIO, F., AUBERT, M. et ADINOLFI, F. (2014). Direct payments, crop insurance and the volatility of farm income. Some evidence in France and in Italy. New Medit, 13(1), pp. 31-40.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2013)Entre dose homologuée et dose réellement appliquée : diagnostic des exploitations viticoles françaises. Progrès Agricole et Viticole, pp. 24-30.
- ENJOLRAS, G., CAPITANIO , F., GOODWIN, B. et ADINOLFI, F. (2013)Risk management tools for Italian farmers: public support, problems and perspectives under CAP Reform. Pagri, pp. 7-23.
- THOURET, J., ENJOLRAS, G., MARTELLI, K., SANTONI, O., LUQUE, J., NAGATA, M. ... MACEDO, L. (2013). Combining criteria for delineating lahar- and flash-flood-prone hazard and risk zones for the city of Arequipa, Peru. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13(2), pp. 339-360.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et BOISSON, J.M. (2012)Evaluation économique des biens publics naturels et transfert d’évaluation : le cas des lagunes. Revue de l’Economie Méridionale, pp. 25-35.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et KAST, R. (2012). Combining participating insurance and financial policies: a new risk management instrument against natural disasters in agriculture. Agricultural Finance Review, 72(1), pp. 156-178.
- ENJOLRAS, G., ADINOLFI, F., CAPITANIO, F. et AUBERT, M. (2012). Pagamenti diretti, assicurazioni e volatilità dei redditi agricoli: Italia e Francia a confronto. Agriregionieuropa, 29.
- ENJOLRAS, G., CAPITANIO, F. et ADINOLFI, F. (2012). The demand for crop insurance: Combined approaches for France and Italy. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 13(1), pp. 5-22.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et SENTIS, P. (2011). Crop insurance policies and purchases in France. Agricultural Economics, 42(4), pp. 475-486.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et BOISSON, J.M. (2010). Valuing lagoons using a meta-analytical approach: Methodological and practical issues. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53(8), pp. 1031-1049.
- ENJOLRAS, G., ERDLENBRUCH, K., GRELOT, F., KAST, R. et THOYER, S. (2009). Sustainability of local risk-sharing policies in the context of the French Flood Prevention Action Programmes. Journal of Environmental Management, 91(2), pp. 363-369.
- ENJOLRAS, G., BOISSON, J.M., HAVLÍK, P., JACQUET, F., LHERM, M. et VEYSSET, P. (2008). Environmental Good Production in the Optimum Activities Portfolio of a Risk-Averse Farmer. Revue d'Étude en Agriculture et Environnement / Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, 86(1), pp. 9-33.
- ENJOLRAS, G., ERDLENBRUCH, K., GRELOT, F., THOYER, S., BRÉMOND, P., CHASTAN, C. et KAST, R. (2008)Ralentissement dynamique et partage du risque - Mise en place de systèmes de compensation locaux. Ingénieries EAT, pp. 109-119.
Chapitre de livre
- AUBERT, M. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2020). Characterizing the Financial Situation of French Winegrowing Operations. Dans: Cheriet F, Maurel C, Amadieu P, Hannin H eds. Wine Management and Marketing: Opportunities for Companies and Challenges for the Industry. 1st ed. ISTE, pp. 129-147.
- ENJOLRAS, G., VEGA, D. et YAO, Y. (2013). La gestion des risques extrêmes : Une approche résiliente Dans: La logistique, une approche innovante des organisations. 1st ed. Aix-en-Provence: Presse Universitaires de Provence, pp. 157-168.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2011). Corsa alla terra. Cibo e agricoltura nell'era della nuova scarsita? Dans: P. de Castro ed.. 1st ed. Rome: Donzelli.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2010). L'agricoltura europea e le nuove sfide globali Dans: P. de Castro ed.. 1st ed. Rome: Donzelli.
- GALLAI, N., ENJOLRAS, G., CARRÉ, G., REGINSTER, I., SALLES, J.M. et VAISSIÈRE, B. (2009). Evolution of agricultural vulnerability in Europe confronted with pollinator decline: a case study comparing Germany and Spain Dans: Assessing biodiversity risks with socio-economic methods : The ALARM experience. 1st ed. Sofia: Pensoft Publishers, pp. 271-304.
Communication dans une conférence avec actes
- BOUSEBATA, M., ENJOLRAS, G. et GIRARD, S. (2022). Extreme Partial Least-Squares. Tokyo (online): 5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et VIVIANI, J.L. (2022). Impact of climate change on the revenue of wine companies in the Bordeaux Region. Bordeaux: Wine Economics & Business Symposium, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G., AUBERT, M. et VALLOIS, K. (2022). Quelles exploitations pour quelles alternatives aux pesticides ? Le cas des producteurs de tomates sous serre du Sud de la France. Clermont-Ferrand: 16èmes Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G., JEANNEAUX, P., LATRUFFE, L. et DESJEUX, Y. (2022). L'évaluation des exploitations agricoles : état des lieux des pratiques et perspectives. Toulouse: Colloque SFER Financement des filières agricoles et alimentaires, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G., MADIÈS, P. et MARTINEZ MEDINA, P. (2022). The sustainability of microfinance institutions: how is environmental performance linked to financial and social performances? Saint-Malo: 38ème Colloque International de l’Association Française de Finance, France.
- YUE, H. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2022). Does earnings management improve access to finance? Evidence from French farms. Saint-Malo: 38ème Colloque International de l’Association Française de Finance, France.
- AL AYOUBI, K. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2021). 'Does disinvestment from fossil fuels reduce the financial performance of responsible sovereign funds?'. Nantes: 37ème Colloque International de l’Association Française de Finance, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2021). 'Do EU Subsidies Contribute to Reduce Pesticide Expenditures?'. Prague: 16th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, République tchèque.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2021). 'Evaluating the impact of sustainable practices and alternative food networks on agronomic performance: the case of French greenhouse'. Toulouse: 15èmes Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et MADIÈS, P. (2021). 'Do farms benefit from a better access to credit than other SMEs? Evidence from French companies'. Nantes: 37ème Colloque International de l’Association Française de Finance, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et MADIÈS, P. (2021). 'Why do farms benefit from a better access to credit than other small businesses?'. Clermont-Ferrand: 14èmes Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G., ADLA, L., TARILLON, C., YU, H. et MANTHÉ, E. (2021). L’alchimie de la relation entrepreneur-investisseur : une clef de compréhension du financement des start-up ? 12ème, Sousse: Congrès de l'académie de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'innovation (AEI), Tunisie.
- ENJOLRAS, G., ALFIERI, E. et BURLACU, R. (2021). On the nature and financial performance of Bitcoin. Grenoble: Workshop on cryptocurrencies and blockchains: Risks vs. Stability, France.
- JEANNEAUX, P., DESJEUX, Y., ENJOLRAS, G. et LATRUFFE, L. (2021). 'Farm valuation: a comparison of methods for French farms'. Clermont-Ferrand: 14èmes Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- TARILLON, C. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2021). 'The Determinants of Credit Constraint in Eurozone SMEs'. Nice: 15ème Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME, France.
- YUE, H. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2021). 'The relation between earnings management and the farms' borrowing capability: evidence from French farms'. Toulouse: 15èmes Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- AL AYOUBI, K. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2020). 'Does disinvestment from fossil fuels reduce the financial performance of responsible sovereign wealth funds?'. Clermont-Ferrand: 19ème Conférence Internationale de Gouvernance, France.
- ALFIERI, E., BURLACU, R. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2020). La Blockchain, un outil innovant et responsable au service du financement des entreprises. Champs-sur-Marne: Journée de recherche – Innover pour une finance responsable et durable, France.
- ALFIERI, E., BURLACU, R. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2019). 'Was the 2017 crash of the crypto-currency market predictable?'. 10th, Miami: International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
- BURLACU, R., ENJOLRAS, G. et ALFIERI, E. (2019). 'On the nature and financial performance of Bitcoin'. 17th,Paris: Conférence de l'Association Française de Finance (AFFI), France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2019). 'The influence of the farmer and his family on the adoption of short food supply chains'. 170th, Montpellier: Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et TARILLON, C. (2019). 'La notation des start-up : définition, enjeux et mesure'. 11e, Montpellier: Congrès de l'académie de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'innovation (AEI), France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et TARILLON, C. (2019). 'La notation des start-up : définition, enjeux et mesure'. 28e, Dakar: Conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Sénégal.
- ENJOLRAS, G., SANFILIPPO, G. et SOLIWODA, M. (2019). 'The determinants of the Capital Structure of Farms: Evidence for France and Poland'. 13e, Bordeaux: Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G., SANFILIPPO, G. et SOLIWODA, M. (2019). 'The determinants of the Capital Structure of Farms: Evidence for France and Poland'. 171th, Tänikon: Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Suisse.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2018). 'Does crop insurance lead to better environmental practices? Evidence from French farms'. 12ème, Nantes: Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2018). 'Est-ce que l’assurance récolte amène à une meilleure situation financière? Retour d’expériences des exploitations françaises'. Paris: International Conference: Coping with risks in agriculture: What challenges and prospects?, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et SANFILIPPO, G. (2018). 'The role of debt in financing French farm investments'. 30th, Vancouver: International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Canada.
- JEANNEAUX, P., DESJEUX, Y., LATRUFFE, L. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2018). 'Politique d’aide à l’installation en agriculture : éclairage par l’évaluation ex-post des mesures du PDRH (2007-2013)'. Montpellier: Colloque SFER Politiques agricoles et alimentaires : trajectoires et réformes, France.
- MADIES, P. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2018). 'The Determinants of Financial Distress in French Farms: Bank Analysts versus Algorithms'. 35ème, Paris: Conférence de l'Association Française de Finance (AFFI), France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2017). 'Are EU subsidies a springboard to the reduction of pesticide use?'. 11èmes, Lyon: Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2017). 'Which incentives for direct selling? An analysis of French farms'. 15th, Parme: Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Italie.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et MADIES, P. (2017). 'The Determinants of Loan Acceptance: A Case Study of French Farms'. Chicago: AAEA International Meeting, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et MADIES, P. (2017). 'The determinants of financial distress in French farms: Analysts versus Algorithms'. Chicago: AAEA International Meeting, Etats-Unis d'Amérique.
- JEANNEAUX, P., DESJEUX, Y., ENJOLRAS, G. et LATRUFFE, L. (2017). 'Farm value evaluation: methods and challenges'. 21st, Edimbourg: International Farm Management Congress, Royaume Uni.
- MADIES, P. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2017). 'The Determinants of Financial Distress in French Farms: Bank Analysts versus Algorithms'. Ho Chi Minh City: Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance, Vietnam.
- MADIES, P. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2017). 'The Determinants of Loan Acceptance: A Case Study of French Farms'. 34ème, Valence: Conférence de l'Association Française de Finance (AFFI), France.
- ENJOLRAS, G. et AUBERT, M. (2014). 'Risk and risk management from an EU-household perspective: evidence and implications'. 14th, Ljubljana: Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Slovénie.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2013). '22nd Society for Risk Analysis Europe conference'. Trondheim: 22nd Society for Risk Analysis Europe conference.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2013). '62nd Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association'. Aix-en-Provence: 62nd Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2007). '15th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists'. Thessalonique: 15th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
Rapport de projet (recherche sponsorisée)
- ENJOLRAS, G., DESJEUX, Y., JEANNEAUX, P. et LATRUFFE, L. (2018). 'Enquête sur l'utilisation des méthodes d'évaluation de la valeur des exploitations agricoles : résumé des résultats'. Document de travail INRA.
- BARDAJI, I., GARRIDO, A., BLANCO, I., FELIS, A., SUMPSI, J., GARCIA-AZCARATE, T. ... CAPITANIO, F. (2016). 'State of play of risk management tools implemented by MS during the period 2014-2020: national and European frameworks'. Bruxelles:, Belgique.
- PONTRANDOLFI, A., VANINO, S., CAPITANIO, F., ENJOLRAS, G. et GOODWIN, B. (2014). 'Analisis della demanda di strumenti di gestione del rischio climatico in agricoltura italiana'. Rome:, Italie.
- CAPITANIO, F. et ENJOLRAS, G. (2012). 'Strumenti per la stabilizzazione dei redditi nell'agricoltura italiana'. Rome:, Italie.
- GRELOT, F., ERDLENBRUCH, K., THOYER, S., ENJOLRAS, G., KAST, R., BREMOND, P. et BRETON, C. (2008). 'Expertise des pratiques de compensation en cas de transfert d'exposition aux inondations'. Paris:, France.
- ENJOLRAS, G., BOISSON, J. et VALETTE, F. (2005). 'Valuations transfer (meta-analysis) and the economic value of water'. Montpellier:, France.
Invité dans une conférence
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2017). '14th Insurance and Reinsurance Carthage Meeting'. Tunis:.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2017). 'Agrocampus Ouest et Coop de France - Transmission des exploitations et installation des jeunes en coopératives : valeur des exploitations agricoles et modes de financement'. Rennes:.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2016). 'Séminaire Agricultural Economics & Policy Group ETHZ'. Zurich:.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2016). 'Séminaire IAMZ - Risk management in Mediterranean agriculture: Agricultural insurance'. Saragosse:.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2016). 'Séminaire de l'Association Internationale des Etablissements Francophones de Formation à l'Assurance (AIEFFA)'. Montpellier:.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2014). 'Séminaire Istituto Nazionale di Economia Agraria (INEA) - Simone Cesaretti Foundation'. Rome:.
- ENJOLRAS, G. (2014). 'Séminaire SMART-LERECO'. Rennes:.