Master Marketing - M2 LE QUANTI - Semestre 10

Masters 2->Master Marketing - M2 LE QUANTI->Semestre 10
Intitulés des modules/matièresECTSVolume horaire
Master 2 parcours Le Quanti: Research and Data Intelligence for Marketing 60.0132.0
Semestre 10 Choix Parcours Professionnel ou Recherche M2 Le Quanti (choisir 1 fils)30.0132.0
Semester 10 - Professionnal Track M2 Le Quanti 30.0168.0
Market Research for Business 10.084.0
Market Research for Business Plans - JJLQXM102.50.0
Advances in Market Research Practice - JJLQXM112.50.0
Market Research for Operational Decisions - JJLQXM125.00.0
Skills for Market Research 5.042.0
Advances in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - JJLQXM222.00.0
Project Management for Marketing Consulting - JJLQXM233.00.0
Written and Oral Academic Skills 9.06.0
Thesis and Defense - JJLQXM307.00.0
Grand Oral - JJLQXM312.00.0
Research-based Profesionnal Market Research Practice 6.036.0
Choix Matière optionnelle UE 8b M2 Le Quanti (choisir 1 fils)4.018.0
Persuasive, Social and Societal Communication - JJLQXM514.00.0
Responsible Consumption - JJLQXM524.00.0
Digital Marketing and Connected Consumers - JJLQXM534.00.0
Innovation and Business Marketing - JJLQXM554.00.0
Choix Research Seminar - Research based Prof Market research practice (choisir 1 fils)2.018.0
Research Seminar in Persuasive, Social and Societal Communication - JJLQXM622.00.0
Research Seminar in Responsible Consumption - JJLQXM632.00.0
Research Seminar in Digital Marketing and Connected Consumers - JJLQXM642.00.0
Research seminar in Innovation and Business Marketing - JJLQXM662.00.0
Semester 10 Research Track M2 Le Quanti 30.096.0
Advances in Consumer and Marketing Research 12.054.0
Persuasive, Social and Societal Communication - JJLQXM514.00.0
Responsible Consumption - JJLQXM524.00.0
Digital Marketing and Connected Consumers - JJLQXM534.00.0
Communication Skills 2.03.0
Grand Oral - JJLQXM312.00.0
Research Thesis 10.03.0
Thesis - JJLQXM609.00.0
Defense - JJLQXM611.03.0
Soft Skills and Research in Marketing 6.036.0
Advances in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - JJLQXM222.00.0
Innovation and Business Marketing - JJLQXM554.00.0