Master 2 Advances in Finance and Accounting


  • Degree awarded Master
  • Mention
    • Finance
  • Location
    • GRENOBLE Campus
  • Duration 1 year (238 hrs)
  • Available as
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education


The “Advances in Finance and Accounting” (AFA) Professional + Research Master's degree prepares you for careers in insurance, banking, corporate financial management, market finance and accounting, financial institutions (banks or insurance companies), or in consulting or auditing firms. Career opportunities: R&D in finance and accounting, financial analyst, risk manager, etc.

The Master 2 Master 2 Advances in Finance and Accounting is a stepping-stone towards high-level careers in the professional world. It is also an opportunity to obtain a Doctoral degree, leading to outstanding careers in the professional world but also to academic and research positions, either in university-based or in public/private research organizations.

This AFA master's degree provides a full English, high-level instruction in complementary fields : financial markets, corporate finance, banking, insurance, auditing and accounting. Its specificity resides in providing in-depth fundamental notions in all of these areas together with advanced tools needed for analysis, treatment and modeling of finance, accounting and audit data.

The AFA program is associated with the Risk Graduate school GS@UGA, a thematic program aiming to provide a solid knowledge in various fields (technology, nature), including financial risks, crisis prevention, management, the resilience of critical infrastructures, and territories, with a focus on insurance and risk coverage.


  • An innovative "learning-by-doing" approach in which the student achieves a high level in finance and accounting through practice and research activities as part of a structured learning process. The teaching environment, based on outstanding research and the newest scientific advances, allows students to develop and use core research skills that are important in both the professional and academic world.
  • The possibility of finding internships in France and abroad, as it is an international program taught entirely in English, with students coming from various countries. Fluency in English in the field of finance is important to broaden the spectrum of internship opportunities and job positions. Many AFA students do their end-of-year internship, which generally begins in February / March, at international companies, and obtain excellent positions at such companies thereafter.
  • There is a strong involvement of students by the means of presentations prepared in groups, participation in research work led by professors, or realization of a term paper which needs performing literature reviews to uncover new perspectives, putting forward a research problem that is of interest for the professional and academic world, analyzing financial and accounting databases, and presenting the results in a convincing and structured way ;
  • High-level, full English instruction in complementary fields of study including market finance, corporate finance, banking, insurance, auditing, and accounting;
  • Opportunity for acquiring in-depth tools needed for analysis, treatment, programming and modeling of audit, accounting and finance data;

  • Training partners


    Partnerships with the Doctoral School of Management Sciences (EDSG n° 275), the Center for Applied Management Research CERAG UR 7521, one of the most important research center in management sciences in France, The European Institute for Financial Data (EUROFIDAI), and various other financial institutions such as Euronext and the Caisse des Dépôts.
    In particular, the AFA program has partnerships with the Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence of the University Grenoble Alps, which aims to conduct research and offer courses for students in artificial intelligence at the highest level. Thanks to these partnerships some students benefit from assistance with their internships and may also obtain doctoral scholarships.


  • Who should apply? Bac + 4
  • Available as :
    • Initial education
    • Continuing education

Entry requirements

Students possessing M1 or M2 degrees in management, economics, mathematics, science, or engineering, and second or third-year students from Grandes Ecoles of commerce or engineering are invited to apply.

Depending on the number of available places, access to the Advances in Finance and Accounting Master's program is automatically conferred to students having obtained the necessary ECTS credits in the Master 1 program of Finance at Grenoble IAE.

Find all the information in the Admission section.

How to apply >

More about tuition fees >


Education contact



  • Course duration 1 year (238 hrs)


Students wishing to pursue careers in corporate finance, auditing or institutional finance are required to do an internship.

An internship is recommended for those desiring to write a thesis in the context of CIFRE funding (thesis written based on a professional experience).
The internship provides an opportunity to apply theories acquired via coursework and how they compare in the workplace. Internships last a minimum of nine weeks.



The growing number of international candidates and the fact that careers in Finance and Accounting now require a strong grasp of English are the main reasons this program is offered in English. The program offers various job opportunities such as:

  • R & D in Finance and Accounting
  • Financial Analyst
  • Auditor – Consultant
  • Risk Manager (finance, accounting)
  • Research Analyst (finance, accounting, technical, and markets)
  • Professor in Finance and Accounting in public and private management schools and universities, in France and abroad

Employment Statistics

  • Found first employment within 6 months: 100%
  • Average job search duration: Less than 1 month
  • Average annual salary (excluding bonuses): €39,852 (2024 survey; 16 graduates, 6 respondents)


"Après avoir obtenu une licence Economie et Gestion parcours Analyse Economique et Modélisation au sein de l’Université Grenoble Alpes (anciennement l’Université Pierre Mandes France), je souhaitais poursuivre mes études dans la voie la plus mathématique possible en économie et gestion, c’est pourquoi je me suis tournée vers le Master Finance de Grenoble IAE. [...] J’ai donc intégré le Master 1 Finance à Grenoble IAE en 2013. Cette première année était générale et m’a permis d’acquérir des connaissances sur le monde de l’entreprise et plus particulièrement la finance d’entreprise, la comptabilité et la finance de marché. [...] Cette année de Master 2 a confirmé mon intérêt pour la recherche et mon souhait d’exercer un métier qui ait du sens pour la société, un métier dynamique avec des angles d’études qui varient et qui allie l’économie, la finance et les mathématiques – informatiques ! [...]

Elise Alfieri, Maître de conférences à l'IAE Gustave Eiffel

Read Elise's testimonial (in French) >


Degree level

Graduate satisfaction score

8,1/10 *
(* UGA Survey 2024, 16 graduates, 8 respondents)

Delivery mode

  • Full-time: face-to-face on campus
  • Campus: Grenoble
  • Language: English

Accessible to students with disabilities

Adaptable study mode for: