MSc in Auding & Control - Semester 9

Curriculum->MSc in Auditing & Control->Semester 9
Courses and group of courses nameECTShours per student
M2 CGAO - Formation initiale 60.0264.0
Semestre 9 - M2 CGAO FI 30.0264.0
Audit 10.072.0
Audit légal et commissariat aux comptes - JJCG9M102.50.0
Contrôle interne - JJCG9M112.50.0
Audit informatique - JJCG9M122.50.0
Contrôle de gestion 10.096.0
Mesure et pilotage de la performance - JJCG9M202.50.0
Contrôle de gestion stratégique - JJCG9M212.50.0
Outils décisionnels du contrôle de gestion - JJCG9M222.50.0
Outils informatiques et contrôle de gestion 1 - JJCG9M232.50.0
Outils et compétences relationnelles 1 5.048.0
Communication - JJCG9M302.50.0
Audit et contrôle de gestion en anglais - JJCG9M312.50.0
Entrepreunariat et innovation 5.048.0
Contrôle de gestion de projets innovants - JJCG9M402.50.0
Pratiques innovantes liées au management des données - JJCG9M412.50.0
Courses and group of courses nameECTShours per student
M2 CGAO - Alternance 60.0175.0
Semestre 9 - M2 CGAO Alternance 30.0175.0
Audit 7.056.0
Legal Audit - JJXC9M102.50.0
Internal Control - JJXC9M112.50.0
Internal audit methodology - JJXC9M122.00.0
Contrôle de gestion 9.577.0
Measuring and managing performance - JJXC9M202.50.0
Strategic Management Control - JJXC9M212.50.0
Pédagogie du chiffre - JJXC9M222.50.0
Quality & Lean Management - JJXC9M232.00.0
Entrepreunariat et innovation 5.042.0
Project Management Control - JJXC9M402.50.0
Innovation in practices - JJXC9M412.50.0
Courses and group of courses nameECTShours per student
M2 CGAO - Formation continue 60.0175.0
Semestre 9 - M2 CGAO FC 30.0175.0
Audit 7.056.0
Legal Audit - JJXC9M102.50.0
Internal Control - JJXC9M112.50.0
Internal audit methodology - JJXC9M122.00.0
Contrôle de gestion 9.577.0
Measuring and managing performance - JJXC9M202.50.0
Strategic Management Control - JJXC9M212.50.0
Pédagogie du chiffre - JJXC9M222.50.0
Quality & Lean Management - JJXC9M232.00.0
Entrepreunariat et innovation 5.042.0
Project Management Control - JJXC9M402.50.0
Innovation in practices - JJXC9M412.50.0